Re: [css3-images] We should use linear RGB color space when doing gradients (and transitions, and ...)

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Witold Baryluk
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just read draft
> and there is notion of RGBA premultiplied space when using
> interpolations between color stops in gradient rendering.
> I understand somehow why premultiplication is done, but this is only
> to take somehow into account a transparency.
> Hower I think whole linear interpolation should be done in linear color
> space, which sRGB is not (and yes, according to
>, are colors we use in
> CSSes are sRGB ones). To properly use and operate on sRGB colors, one
> must first perform gamma correction (to convert sRGB to linear RGB
> space), then do interpolation for each point, and resulting color should
> be converted back using gamma correction to sRGB (or other color space
> if particular display device needs).
> Note: Also most modern GPU can perform gamma corrections (as defined by
> sRGB) in hardware (both when reading textures, creating/processing them
> proceduraly using shaders [fragment programs], or writing to other
> textures and framebuffer).
> My reasoning: A gradient from rgb(0,0,0) to rgb(255,255,255) should at
> midpoint should have grey color with 50% light intensity of
> rgb(255,255,255), which isn't rgb(127,127,127), but approximetly
> rgb(190,190,190).
> Unofrtunetly not only css-images module have this flaws as I quickly
> checked. Even ignoring specifications, most UA implementations have
> incorrect handling of color spaces when rendering images (most notable
> when resizing/resamling/rotating/etc. them, as well CSS Transforms), and
> also when composing multiple semitransparent layers (they are doing
> linear combination of background and foreground colors defined in
> nonlinear colors space, which is plainly WRONG). I understand some
> ignorance how sRGB works can explain part of problem source, and
> performance considerations can explain other, but gamma correction is
> really simple to do: in one way it can be done using single (small)table
> lookup for each color component, in second way it can be done quite
> cheaply using simple math, and additionally on any modern GPU, since say
> 2005, it can be done fully in hardware.
> Other problem with not using linear space for operations (like lin.iterpol.),
> is that gradients defined using hsl and using rgb, may create
> unintuitvly different gradients.
> BTW. Same problems applies, when one performs CSS Transition (like
> transitioning linearly from color: black, to color: white; in 2s, will
> make wrong color at time 1s).

Since everything currently uses sRGB, gradients should match that and
stay how they are.

However, I support at some point adding a property (or adapting one
from SVG) for switching to linearRGB.

(I think this is a Last Call comment?  If so, I'll record it in
bugzilla once Mike adds the component for it.)


Received on Saturday, 14 January 2012 07:28:37 UTC