Re: [CSS4] A way to wrap an arbitrary number of elements

2012/1/12 Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu <>:
> (12/01/12 9:24), Alan Stearns wrote:
>> The page is now up. So far it includes these possibilities for additional
>> pseudo-elements:
>> 1. Simple wrapping of a single element
>> 2. Complex wrapping of an element range
> I don't fully understand this requirement and it's relationship with 3.
> Specifically, is root element, the first div element, or the missing
> parent of these divs the 'context' element here? Namely, are you
> wrapping the first N div elements in the document, the first div with
> the next two div elements, or the first three divs in the mssing parent?

There’s no relationship between 2 and 3.

I find the wiki page incomprehensible until I went back and read the
original thread. The wiki page should, IMHO, definitely link back to
the original discussion thread.

>> 3. Complex wrapping of selector range

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2012 06:29:35 UTC