Re: [CSS4] A way to wrap an arbitrary number of elements

(12/01/12 9:24), Alan Stearns wrote:
> The page is now up. So far it includes these possibilities for additional
> pseudo-elements:
> 1. Simple wrapping of a single element
> 2. Complex wrapping of an element range

I don't fully understand this requirement and it's relationship with 3.
Specifically, is root element, the first div element, or the missing
parent of these divs the 'context' element here? Namely, are you
wrapping the first N div elements in the document, the first div with
the next two div elements, or the first three divs in the mssing parent?

> 3. Complex wrapping of selector range
> 4. Sibling pseudo-elements
> 5. Multiple pseudo-elements at a given position


Received on Thursday, 12 January 2012 05:57:35 UTC