Re: [css3-background] color vs image - final layer

On 29/02/2012 3:00 PM, Brian Manthos wrote:
> Alan:
>> 'background-color' is painted on an infinite canvas, where background-image
>> ... clipped ('background-clip') in respect to the background (and border) of a box.
> Incorrect.
> Background-clip is respected by background-color.

I did imply that awkwardly later in the message.

 > disconnected when used with 'background-clip' since
 > background-color can only be clipped.

Also you're ignoring the first note for background-clip 3.7 (spec below) 
and 3.11 [1].

   | Note that the root element has a different background
   | painting area, and thus the ‘background-clip’ property
   | has no effect when specified on it.


Alan Gresley

Received on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 04:54:15 UTC