Re: [css3-animations] What does animation-fill-mode do when animation-iteration-count is zero?

On 2/5/12 9:11 AM, Sylvain Galineau wrote:
> I also don't understand why it's important to avoid a discontinuity on something
> that's unlikely to be iterated on.

It doesn't matter whether it gets iterated.  It's more important whether 
someone will ever compute a value for it, especially in JavaScript. 
Given that computation in JS happens on floating-point numbers and that 
such computation is subject to rounding error, any sort of discontinuous 
behavior means that in some conditions behavior will suddenly depend on 
something like order of addition operations when adding up the elements 
of an array.  And then web developers will (rightly, imo) curse whoever 
came up with such a setup.


Received on Sunday, 5 February 2012 15:12:24 UTC