Re: [selectors] :sorted pseudoclass for HTML

My question would be "is it necessary"?

Hixie's approach isn't extensible, and at first glance has major short

In a truly multilingual environment, it would appear better to do the
sorting on the server side rather than the client side.

OK most developers work in multlingual environments, so would work for a
small subsets of languages, but beyond that ...

On 28 December 2012 01:01, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:

> Hixie recently added the ability to declaratively sort tables to HTML. To
> support these on the CSS side, it would be convenient to define a :sorted
> pseudoclass, along with :sorted(ascending) and :sorted(descending), which
> apply to table cells in sorted columns. The relevant bug is at <
>>. We can just defer
> to the host language to define what elements are sorted at any given time.
> Anyone have any objections to us adding these to Selectors 4?
> ~TJ

Andrew Cunningham
Project Manager, Research and Development
Social and Digital Inclusion Unit
Public Libraries and Community Engagement
State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Ph: +61-3-8664-7430
Mobile: 0459 806 589

Received on Friday, 28 December 2012 04:01:56 UTC