Re: Initial values for widows and orphans

On Fri, 2012-12-14 at 15:34 -0800, Brad Kemper wrote:

> So, following up on the email I just sent, how about, supposing we had
> 'orphans:3', and one of the lines is taller than the column height/3,
> we treat it as if it was 'orphans:2'? If two of the lines are each
> taller than column height/3, then we treat it as if it was
> 'orphans:1'. 

As page formatting gets more sophisticated you run into more and more
cases where features interact to create unsolvable sets of constraints.
This happens very often if you combine
widows/orphans/keep-with-next/previous with footnotes, or with items
that span multiple columns.

The formatter has no choice but to relax one or more constraints.

It may be better just to state this rather than to try to enumerate all
of the edge cases and interactions.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml

Received on Saturday, 15 December 2012 00:31:51 UTC