RE: [css3-text] Appendix F not needed

> From: John Daggett []
> Koji, I'm not saying line breaking behavior should be defined only in
> UAX14 or that you shouldn't include exceptions for specific codepoints in a property
> definition, I'm simply saying the need to list a set of codepoints is unnecessary since
> they are already defined in UAX14.

Thanks for the clarification, that is helpful. Am I right to understand that you're asking to remove code points that are defined in both specs?

I'm not strongly oppose to the idea, but also I do not see values of doing so either. There's some risk that, since UAX14 may change over time, we may have to tweak the list as UAX14 changes if we try to do so. Having a list of what we want to make sure in our spec doesn't seem to harm anyone.

Is this reasonable?


Received on Monday, 10 December 2012 04:08:25 UTC