RE: [css regions] Region styling in nested region content

± From: David Hyatt
± Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:01 AM
± Does region styling apply across region nesting? For example if I have a region 
± A, and then the flow content placed into region A also includes another region B, 
± does the flow thread content that goes into B also get styled as though it is in 
± region A? I'm hoping the answer is "No", since otherwise the style computation is 
± just going to be really messy.

Is the question "should it apply into nested regions by default" or "should it be possible"?

I completely agree that region styling won't apply beyond one level.

If however a nested region also has region styling it should work, shouldn't it?

We just want to make sure that whatever formatting is applicable in region styling can't change what nested regions apply in their region styling. I believe it is the case now.


Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 18:44:16 UTC