[css regions] How do regions paginate?

How do regions paginate, e.g., when they are broken up across pages when printing? I am assuming content would first flow through the regions on page one and then flow through the regions on page two.

Example: Suppose you have three regions, two super tall ones, A and B, and one short one, C. You then print those regions. A and B span two pages, but C fits on the first page. The regions A and B have "subregions" on each page, A1 and B1 on page one, and A2 and B2 on page two.

I'd assume the flow of content through the regions would be A1 -> B1 -> C -> A2 -> B2, and not A1 -> A2 -> B1 -> B2 -> C, since the latter would force someone to scan into page 2 and then jump back to page 1 to keep reading.

I think this needs to be specified, since we want to make sure it matches column layout, which behaves like the former example.


Received on Thursday, 13 October 2011 17:48:22 UTC