Re: [css-shaders] subdivision for transparency

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Alan Gresley <> wrote:

> On 4/10/2011 2:18 PM, Dean Jackson wrote:
>> On 04/10/2011, at 11:10 AM, Gregg Tavares (wrk) wrote:
>  What do I mean? Well, in order to correctly display 2 or more
>>> semi-trasparent elements that intersect each other in 3d space it's
>>> necessary to subdivide the polygons that are used to draw the
>>> elements with so that the part of the elements that are behind
>>> others are drawn first, then the parts in front are drawn last.
>>> Here are 2 screenshots. The first shows Safari which correctly
>>> subdivides the polygons. The second shows Chrome which currently
>>> does not.
>>> <correct-3d-css-polygon-**sorting-subdivisions-safari.**png>
>>> <incorrect-3d-css-polygon-**sorting-subdivisions-chrome.**png>
> I could not find those screenshots.

Here are links to the screenshots

>  Arguably Chrome should update its renderer to handle this case so
>>> that web developers can count on correct displaying of 3d css
>>> content.
>>> But, that brings up the question, that's the sorting spec going to
>>> be for CSS shaders?
> What has CSS shaders got to do with this issue?

CSS shaders make it possible morph the plane of an DOM element into
something other than a plane (sphere, crumpled paper, etc...) which makes
sorting them much harder.

>  I'm not sure I understand the question completely. CSS filters (let's
>> not call them shaders - that's just a proposed extension to the
>> current draft) are always a 2d effect, even if they appear 3d. In
>> other words, the effect might operate locally in a 3d or pseudo-3d
>> environment, but the result is always composited in 2d onto a flat
>> plane.
> To right. It's virtual 3D display on a 2D flat plane that can trick the
> mind into perceiving such animation as real virtual space.
>  Elements should sort the way they do for regular HTML (with
>> CSS 3D transforms, which is probably less-than-well-defined). A
>> filter does not make an element 3d.
>> Dean
>  ps: the live html/css is here
>>> elements-3d-css.html<>
> I see what could be the problem. I have noticed this myself when rotating
> elements (it happens with background color, gradients and backgrounds with
> transparency). It happened a lot in Safari 5.0. Chrome still has some odd
> behaviors. What happens is that things are not painted in how they should be
> (you can see through walls like some glitch in the matrix). One of my test.
> gradient-virtial-space.htm<>
> An earlier version using a longer translation (a hack) painted the floor
> parts above the bottom part of the simulated curved surface. Like so.
>  | | | | | | | | | | | |
>  X | | | | | | | | | | X
>    X X X | | | | X X X
>      X X X X X X X X
>        X X X X X X
>        X X X X X X
>      X X X X X X X X
>    X X X        X X X
>  X                    X
> Now after much reworking, using z-index, translation on the z axis and even
> having the elements for the floor later in the source, I can not get them to
> paint over the bottom parts of the simulated curved surface. Like so.
>  | | | | | | | | | | | |
>  X | | | | | | | | | | X
>    X X | | | | | | X X
>      X | | | | | X X
>        X X | | X X
>        X X X X X X
>      X X X X X X X X
>    X X X        X X X
>  X                    X
> When hovering each example, you will notice that the roof itself is hacked
> in with a wrong translation (to avoid the same dilemma as a had with the
> floor) but this shows that roof disconnected from the other transform
> elements.
> --
> Alan Gresley

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 16:45:23 UTC