Re: hyphenate-limit-chars (or -word): mixing 'auto' with integers

On 09/08/2011 11:25 AM, Dan Bernstein wrote:
> I am looking for clarifications on
> <;content-type=text%2Fhtml#hyphenate-char-limits>:
>    1. What is the property name, hyphenate-limit-chars or hyphenate-limit-word?
>    2. When specifying a list of 2 or 3 values, must they all be integers (as the table suggests) or may there be a mixture of
>       auto and integers (as the example suggests)?

Good catch. I've updated the spec to consistently say 'hyphenate-limit-chars' and
to allow combined values. Let me know if you think this is the correct fix (and
if not, why not).


Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 00:58:22 UTC