Re: [css3-lists] Should some properties not inherit into markers?

On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 18:44:19 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr. <>  

> Øyvind brought up in another thread that some browsers block some
> properties from inheriting into list markers.  His cursory testing
> produced this list:
>> text-transform: applied by IE
>> font-style, font-weight, font-family: applied by all
>> font-variant: applied by IE and WebKit
>> text-decoration: applied for 'inside' only by Fx3.6 and Opera Next  
>> (seemed
>> to make some sense but we'll probably revert this now that we're the  
>> odd one
>> out)
>> letter-spacing: applied by all except Fx
> I suspect that most other properties are inherited normally.

One thing I forgot was that we also had to pay some consideration to bidi.  
But it looks like the ED already has done that (it has "unicode-bidi:  
isolate" on li::marker).

> The only ones from this list that seem potentially worth looking into
> are text-transform and font-variant.

Why not text-decoration? Does anyone from Mozilla happen to know why they  
changed it? Just because Gecko was the odd one out, just by chance, or  
because they encountered some content relying on it?

Øyvind Stenhaug
Core Norway, Opera Software ASA

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2011 11:13:01 UTC