Re: Unprefixing CSS properties

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 06:49:08 +0100, Brian Manthos <>  

>>> expanded grammar
>> Those are totally OK since the changes are backwards compatible.
> Incorrect.  While authoring conventions can make it effectively  
> backwards compatible, it’s not strictly backwards compatible.
> Example:
> div {
>                 transition-timing-function: ease-in;
>                 transition-timing-function: step-start;
> }
> Browser A unprefixes against the current WD.  Browser A applies  
> “ease-in”.
> Browser B unprefixes against the current ED.  Browser B applies  
> “step-start”.
> Interoperability failure.

That's not really much different than e.g.

div {
 background: white;
 background: url(foo.png), lightblue;

Browser A implements the current level 2 syntax; applies "white".

Browser B implements the current level 3 syntax; applies "url(foo.png),  

Øyvind Stenhaug
Core Norway, Opera Software ASA

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 12:20:23 UTC