Re: [css3-lists] parsing of specs (was Re greek anomaly

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Peter Moulder <> wrote:
> Parsing the css3-lists spec may sound a bit strange, given that the data
> is already supposed to be in machine-readable format.  The reason is that
> at first there was just one list type from css3-lists that I needed to
> implement, so I used a one-liner from the commandline to transform that
> particular definition into source code.  Later I needed another type, and
> then another, and the hacky one-liner grew into a perl script.  I still
> haven't implemented @counter-style support, but at least I now have all
> of the predefined list types implemented...

Not strange at all.  I used some DOM scripting to extract all the list
styles from the tables in the old version of the spec and turn them
into @counter-style with a slightly older syntax, then later used
PEG.js to write a CSS parser to transform them all into the newer form
of the syntax when I changed it.  ^_^


Received on Thursday, 3 November 2011 23:45:32 UTC