Re: [css3-regions] Feedback on regions document

On May 12, 2011, at 6:40 AM, Alex Mogilevsky wrote:

>> From: [] On Behalf Of David Hyatt
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 9:14 AM
>> (2) My second major issue with the document is that I don't believe we
>> should ever allow regions to be explicit DOM elements.  I think regions
>> should always be created anonymously.  
> My position on this is the opposite. I think regions should be elements, most of the time if not always.
> When I think of a magazine page, I think of design first. It has rich graphics (perhaps SVG, images or video), multiple small chunks of text (headlines, teasers, ads), and a few containers (linked of course) showing longer stories (400 words may already be "long" there).
> Trying to decide what is content and what is presentation in that world is difficult, often subjective and IMO pointless. All that coolness needs to be described in some kind of language, why not HTML+CSS? It has the power.

Yeah, I'm going to concede this point.  We don't make such restrictions with any of our other specifications, so I think encouraging people to use grid-template, etc., will just be part of "best practices."


Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 17:52:26 UTC