Re: [CSS21] Objection over Issue 203 (clearance and hypothetical position) (Was: Re: [CSS21] Clearance - the missing manual)

On 24/03/2011 21:24, fantasai wrote:
> The proposal is to replace
> # the element had a non-zero bottom border and its 'clear' property
> with
> | the element's 'clear' property

Thanks, that's exactly what I'm advocating.

Note that there do exist peculiarities with this solution in certain 
special self-collapsing cases (as indeed is the case with any solution) 
due to the discontinuity that exists in between the two 
subcases.  This is the subject of [1] (as-yet unfiled in the Issues 
list), where I provided a proposal that would fully disguise the 
peculiarity if the proposal above were to be adopted.  I'd like this to 
be filed, even if it gets deferred until Errata.  (Note that this is 
similar but unrelated to Issue 207.)


Anton Prowse

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2011 21:01:46 UTC