Re: [CSS21] Objection over Issue 203 (clearance and hypothetical position) (Was: Re: [CSS21] Clearance - the missing manual)

On 03/24/2011 01:24 PM, fantasai wrote:
> Ok, Arron and I spent some time on the phone trying to figure out what
> Issue 203 actually is, and we think we understand the problem Anton is
> describing.
> ...
> The proposal is to replace
> # the element had a non-zero bottom border and its 'clear' property
> with
> | the element's 'clear' property

While we're in this section, Arron and I noticed that the first paragraph
of the first clearance example is self contradicting (B2 has no children,
but is not empty?) and involves more complication than need be (the
possibility of self-collapsing margins due to no padding, no border, and
no children):

   # Example 1. Assume (for the sake of simplicity), that we have just
   # three boxes, in this order: block B1 with a bottom margin of M1
   # (B1 has no children and no padding or border), floating block F
   # with a height H, and block B2 with a top margin of M2 (no padding
   # or border, no children). B2 has 'clear' set to 'both'. We also
   # assume B2 is not empty.

Here's a suggested replacement:

   | Example 1. Assume (for the sake of simplicity), that we have just
   | three boxes, in this order: block B1 with *a bottom border and*
   | a bottom margin of M1, floating block F with an *outer* height H,
   | and block B2 with *a top border and* a top margin of M2. B2 has
   | 'clear' set to 'both'.

Also, this sentence was very confusing:
   # We need to compute clearance C twice, C1 and C2, and keep the
   # greater of the two: C = max(C1,C2).

I suggest replacing "twice" (which isn't what really happens) with
"as two separate calculations", thus:
   | We need to compute clearance C as two separate calculations, C1
   | and C2, and keep the greater of the two: C = max(C1,C2).


Received on Thursday, 24 March 2011 20:37:56 UTC