RE: CSS Regions proposal

Arno Gourdol <> wrote on March 7, 2011 3:39:21 PM PST:

> The draft proposal for "CSS Regions" that was presented and discussed
on the agenda of
> day 2 of the Mountain View F2F, Tuesday 8 MAR. See
> is in www-archive at



> This proposal is intended to support sophisticated, magazine-style,
layouts using CSS. 

>From an accessibility perspective, I would be concerned with how the
difference region-threads interact with each other it terms of document
sequencing.  For example, if I have a content region-thread and a
sidebar region-thread, how does the screen-reading software "know" to
read a particular sidebar at a particular point while reading the

For example, given content "blah blah blah (see sidebar) blah blah blah"
how does the user-agent know to treat (see sidebar) like a hyperlink to
the appropriate sidebar?  Preferably the listener would have the choice
whether to hear the sidebar immediately or at the end of hearing the

Hope this helps, 
Charles Belov 
SFMTA Webmaster 




Received on Thursday, 24 March 2011 01:01:41 UTC