Re: [CSS21] WD 4.2: end-of-string vs. end-of-stylesheet

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 03:56:51PM +0000, John Jansen wrote:
> Thank you for your feedback. The CSSWG has addressed your concerns in the upcoming publication of the CSS 2.1 specification[1]. 
> The CSSWG resolved to  make it more clear what "end-of-line" means in section 4.2. 
> We hope this closes your issue.
> Please respond before 18 March, 2011 if you do not accept the current resolution.

Speaking practically first:

  I submit for the WG's consideration to make at least the following
  to change the BAD_URI and BAD_STRING tokens (or more specifically the
  corresponding badstring1 etc. macros) to add ‘/.’ (i.e. that they
  must be followed by a character rather than end-of-stylesheet; in the
  case of strings, it would be useful to readers to use the more
  specific ‘/[\r\n\f]’); and to remove the BAD_COMMENT tokens and
  corresponding macros.

Technical response as to whether the proposed resolution does resolve
the issue:

  I believe the proposal of clarifying only the end-of-line text and
  not the end-of-stylesheet text would mean that the end-of-stylesheet
  text would, if read in isolation, most likely be interpreted in a way
  contrary to the intent of the proposed new end-of-line text.
  I believe that the tokenization text (4.1.1) (together with the
  descriptions of treatment of BAD_* tokens) conflicts with the
  end-of-stylesheet text.


Received on Friday, 18 March 2011 06:52:37 UTC