Re: [CSS21] Issue 236 - does 'text-decoration' propagate into tables?

On 04/03/2011 04:15, fantasai wrote:
> On 10/19/2010 05:56 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
>> Section 16.3.1 says that text-decoration on blocks is propagated to
>> block-level in-flow descendants. I'm trying to figure out what this
>> means for whether text-decoration on an element outside a table is
>> propagated into the contents of the table.
>> (The wording in the confidential editor's draft is rather different,
>> but doesn't make much of a difference on this question.)
>> As far as I can tell, CSS 2.1 never defines the term "in-flow".
>> If "in-flow" is intended to refer to the definition of "normal
>> flow", then tables are not in-flow.

How so?  The table wrapper box is either block-level or inline-level, 
right?  Moreover, so are the table box and table caption box.  So 
text-decoration should be propagated into captions.

But the internal table boxes are neither block-level nor inline-level 
and hence are not in the normal flow.  (Which does indeed mean that the 
spec needs a sweep to look for places where "out of flow" mistakenly 
assumes the meaning of "floated or absolutely positioned", something 
which I think is quite possible.)  Hence text-decoration should not be 
propagated to tabular content.

Anton Prowse

Received on Friday, 4 March 2011 08:37:01 UTC