Re: [css3-background] Default shadow color

It would be something quick and easy for an implementor to change, wouldn't it?

Brad Kemper

On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:

> [fantasai:]
>> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Sylvain Galineau <>
>> wrote:
>>> [fantasai:]
>>>> Ok, if we have interop on currentColor, we can update the spec that
>> way.
>>>> I'm kindof surprised, because if you do that for text-shadows, it's
>>>> really almost never the right color.
>>> For text-shadow, I can understand how it's a weird default but that is
>>> also the interop behavior today. There might be a better default -
>>> would something half way between foreground and background colors work
>>> better ? - but the interop and <shadow> consistency are already there.
>>> I also expect authors to want to pick their shadow colors carefully so
>>> I don't think it will be a burden in practice. It really is a
>> testability/interop nitpick more than anything else.
>> I know that I've never written a text-shadow without an explicit color,
>> and have never seen one in the wild without a color either.
>> They may exist, but I believe they're very minority.  We don't really have
>> to worry about it.
> I agree we probably don't have to worry about it being currentColor by 
> default. But from a spec standpoint, the fewer undefined 'UA-chosen' 
> knobs the better for implementors, testcases etc. If it doesn't matter
> in practice then there is no cost in picking a default and eliminate
> the ambiguity.
> I would suspect, however, that Elika is right in that a color is specified 
> every single time *because* the default is not really useful. Especially
> for text. But that is what we have so we might as well specify implementation
> reality.

Received on Friday, 4 March 2011 01:45:10 UTC