Re: [css3-speech] reading list-style markers

On 7 Jun 2011, at 02:34, fantasai wrote:

> On 06/07/2011 05:37 AM, Daniel Weck wrote:
>> fantasai wrote:
>>> I think all of the numeric styles should be read out as numbers,
>>> i.e. equivalent to 'decimal'.
>> Just to double-check: you mean all of "decimal, decimal-leading- 
>> zero, lower-roman, upper-roman", with no perceivable
>> difference in speech output ?
> Yes. I've never read out a list with roman numbering differently than
> one with decimal numbering, have you? In most cases it's a visual
> stylistic difference. If there's some kind of semantic distinction,
> then the UA should key off of the markup to make that distinction,
> e.g. in HTML we have the 'type' attribute. (I don't know how you would
> render that distinction though.)
> At least that's what I'm thinking right now. Maybe you have other
> thoughts? :)

No, I agree :)  (just wanted to double-check)

Let me know if the updated prose flows well:

> Wrt spelling out the digits vs reading the number, I think we should
> control that via CSS3 Lists.
>  ::marker { speak-as: digits; }

Sure. As with all things specifically related to CSS3-Lists, I think  
we should either explicitly mark them out-of-scope in this current  
iteration (which is what the CSS-Speech editor's draft says), or we  
should attempt to cover the CSS3-Lists feature-set properly  
(exhaustively...and perhaps prematurely at this stage). In other  
words, I'm not sure that adding a note / authoring guideline such as
::marker { speak-as: digits; }
would be satisfactory. Do you think there is scope in the current CSS- 
Speech draft for "sprinkling" bits from CSS3-List? Or should we wait  
until things stabilize, from which point we could then add a complete  
section specific to the new CSS3-Lists features, describing speech  
support for these features?

Cheers, Dan

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2011 08:46:25 UTC