RE: [css3-speech] reading list-style markers

fantasai wrote on Wednesday, June 01, 2011 6:26 PM
> # disc, circle, square
> #   These list item styles are spoken as the equivalent word for
> #   the shape, in the user's language.
> Reading out "square" in front of each list item seems imho ridiculous.
> These should map to a UA-defined (or user-defined) phrase or 
> aural icon that is appropriate for bulleted lists.

Actually, the issue to me is whether screen readers are helping the 
listener keep track of the levels of bullets.  That is, whether the 
list is showing bullets, circles or squares depends on whether this 
is a nested list.  For a list like:

[bullet] Cats.
[bullet] Dogs.
	[circle] Lab.
	[circle] Chihuahua.
[bullet] Birds.

I believe the most useful output would be something that indicates 
the transition between levels, e.g.,

"Begin bulleted list. Item, cats. Item, dogs.  Begin second level. 
Item, Lab. Item, Chihuahua. End second level. Item, birds."

Not sure that is the most usable example, but that would be a 
non-ridiculous alternative to reading "bullet," "circle," "square". 
I suggest something like "Begin second level" rather than "Within 
dogs" because "dogs" is short but, again for example, "In-Person 
Customer Service Centers: These centers provide direct issuance 
of fare cards." is not.

Hope this helps,
Charles Belov
SFMTA Webmaster

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2011 17:51:09 UTC