Re: [css3-regions] Comments on Editor's Draft

On 26/07/2011 09:09, Brad Kemper wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 3:36 AM, Christoph Päper<>  wrote:
>> Vincent Hardy wrote:
>>> I did not follow your example. What I meant was:
>>> #A, #B, #C {flow: myFlowName;}
>>> #B {content: from-flow(myFlowName);}
>>> creates a circular dependency.
>> I know. You’re using here what I called “implicit, node-based DOM regions”.
> I assumed that the 'flow' property (or whatever it ends up being
> called) is only pushing content from the document into the flow (or
> content added to the document node via JavaScript), and NOT content
> moved in via CSS. So whatever content the A,B, and C elements have —
> without ever considering CSS 'content' — is moved into 'myFlowName', and
> concatenated together. Then it all flows into the content of the B
> element, and that does not change what the first rule is pushing. So no
> circular dependency. Or am I wrong?

I think that the thing you're overlooking here is that it's not the just 
the /content/ of B that's added to the myFlowName flow, it's B itself. 
Then B is told to contain myFlowName, yet B is /part/ of myFlowName. 
Hence the circular dependency.

That said, I haven't yet had time to consider Christoph's post on the 

Anton Prowse

Received on Saturday, 30 July 2011 17:55:56 UTC