Re: [css3-regions] Comments on Editor's Draft

On Jul 26, 2011, at 3:36 AM, Christoph Päper <> wrote:

>> I did not follow your example. What I meant was:
>> #A, #B, #C {flow: myFlowName;}
>> #B {content: from-flow(myFlowName);}
>> creates a circular dependency.
> I know. You’re using here what I called “implicit, node-based DOM regions”.

I assumed that the 'flow' property (or whatever it ends up being called) is only pushing content from the document into the flow (or content added to the document node via JavaScript), and NOT content moved in via CSS. So whatever content the A,B, and C elements have — without ever considering CSS 'content' — is moved into 'myFlowName', and concatenated together. Then it all flows into the content of the B element, and that does not change what the first rule is pushing. So no circular dependency. Or am I wrong?

Received on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 14:09:42 UTC