Re: Printing and background colors/images

On 07/19/2011 06:07 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> 2011/2/22 Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ)<>:
>> Summary: Want authors to be able to specify whether backgrounds should be
>> printed.
> [snip]
>> 3. Add an explicit new property, like print-background. Pros: Explicit,
>> wouldn't cause unexpected behaviour by starting to print a bunch of
>> backgrounds that users didn't intend to print. Also relatively
>> straight-forward implementation wise. Easy to understand. Cons: This
>> property would be meaningless outside of a print media context, so
>> semantically it feels a bit odd.

It also seems overkill to make it per-element, imo.

> It seemed like this was the most popular option in the WG.  One of our
> devs (Luke Macpherson) has a patch ready to try this out now (it's
> really simple, obviously), so it would be cool if we could try to put
> this into a spec somewhere.  There are two problems.
> The first is that I have no idea where this should go.  It's not
> actually "paged media" specific, it's *print* specific, so it doesn't
> seem appropriate for this to go into Page or GCPM.

It's close enough. I say add it to GCPM, at least until we have a
better idea.

> The second is that I'm not sure what to call it or its values.  The
> patch Luke's prepared uses "print-background: visible | hidden"
> (prefixed, of course).  Do we need to improve the property or value
> names?

Sounds good to me.


Received on Thursday, 28 July 2011 21:29:04 UTC