Re: [css3-writing-modes] bidi-style resolution of punctuation orientation

>> I agree, there is no way step 4 will work all the time, but I don't  
>> think that it is a problem that it is sometimes wrong: it is a fallback  
>> that only kicks in if the reliable ways were missing.
> I agree. But my feeling is that most of the time the reliable ways are  
> missing.
> I have the habit of using the lang attribute. But even I sometimes get
> sloppy and leave the spans out because it is so much work marking up
> every single bit of English text. If we are talking about blog
> comments then it’s hopeless.

I don't think it is too much to expect from authors that want vertical  
layout to specify which language their text is in, if we specify that this  
has an influence on the layout.

Currently, hardly anyone uses lang, but that's because there is not big  
benefit in setting it. This proposal would change this situation, and I  
expect most vertical page authors to set lang properly once it becomes  
clear that this has an impact on the layout.

The unreliable fallback is just there to help out the lazy ones. It won't  
be perfect, but as long as it is better than assuming that the language is  
unknown, I think that's an improvement.

  - Florian

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 08:38:55 UTC