[CSS21] WD 07 Dec. 2010: section 16.3.1 'text-decoration' property: small editorial text tweaks


16.3.1 Underlining, overlining, striking, and blinking: the
'text-decoration' property

Current text

(...) Note that text decorations are not propagated to floating and
absolutely positioned descendants, nor to the contents of atomic
inline-level descendants such as inline blocks and inline tables.  (...)
For example, images and inline blocks must not be underlined.

Proposed corrected text

(...) Note that text decorations are not propagated to floating and
absolutely positioned descendants, nor to the contents of atomic
inline-level descendants such as inline-blocks and inline-tables.  (...)
For example, images and inline-blocks must not be underlined.

s/inline blocks/inline-block/

s/inline tables/inline-tables/

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC5 (January 11th 2011)

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Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2011 21:38:31 UTC