Re: align property

> I understand there is always other way around something to achieve
> what we need, but why not simply use logical solutions instead of
> those "workarounds"?

Actually, I think that's quite a fair point. I still don't quite like
margin: 0 auto; though I use it all the time -- horizontal-align: center;
would make much more sense.

I also never got why vertical-align: middle; never worked like you'd expect
it to work. Can anyone shed any light on that? Seems a shame that CSS should
be worse (less elegant) than the old HTML valign attribute.

It's too late to change the defintions now, but is there something in CSS3
coming that will allow vertical aligning for block elements in one

Mark Kenny
Twitter: @beingmrkenny

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2011 15:35:14 UTC