Re: [css3-text] Discussion for punctuation-trim

On 01/13/2011 02:48 PM, Koji Ishii wrote:
> I had discussion on punctuation-trim with Murakami-san and fantasai,
> sending them to the ML for the record and for anyone else to jump in.

We've checked in the following syntax:

text-trim: normal | force-start || [ keep-end | force-end ] || no-justify

based on the following design, which is commented into the spec source:

     <!-- Syntax is derived as a shorthand of the following theoretical
          properties (defaults given first):

            text-trim-start:      keep-start | force-start
            text-trim-end:        allow-end | force-end | keep-end | keep-fullstop
            text-trim-adjacent:   force-adjacent | keep-adjacent
            text-trim-kana:       ...
            text-trim-justify:    justify | no-justify

         Filtering out the default values (and ignoring trim-kana),
         we get the following shorthand:
            text-trim: normal |
                       force-start ||
                       [ force-end | keep-end | keep-fullstop] ||
                       keep-adjacent ||


Received on Friday, 14 January 2011 01:19:46 UTC