Re: Printing and background colors/images

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Brad Kemper <> wrote:

> On Feb 23, 2011, at 9:27 AM, Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote:
> Then, you /still/ have to as a user understand what the heck it means to
>> print backgrounds, and what exactly would be the difference. It's still
>> quite buried and it's still IMO an unnecessary cognitive burden to place on
>> the user.
>> Well if the default is to uncheck it when the author included a message to
>> indicate it is important, then those who can't understand can just accept
>> the author's choice.
> So, in this case, there's really two options:
> 1. Prompt the user with something modal-like, -or
> 2. Just do it (change the check box that the majority of users will never
> see).
> I don't think you're proposing #1, but if you are we probably disagree :)
> If you're proposing #2,
> Mostly. I'm saying the author indicates with some text why he thinks the
> user should print backgrounds, and that would trigger the UA to do something
> about it, and show the message in a place where the user has a choice. The
> UA would have a lot of leeway in how it implemented. It sounds like no
> implementor would go for a modal separate dialog box, which is fine if they
> can solve it a better way. Ideally it would be part of the normal printing
> flow.

There's no guarantee as to the usefulness of the content-provided string. It
could be "Click here -> to get moar ponies". It may also not be localized,
etc etc etc. We would also have to consider sizing if it were to go into a
native dialog, and quickly we get into enough issues that I am already
dubious we would do anything with such a string :)

> it's mostly the same as what I am proposing - "Just print the stuff the
> author has said is important". The question then becomes "How does the
> author indicate that something is important and should be printed" and "How
> does the user override that if s/he disagrees?".
> Yeah, and "Can the author help the user make an informed decision" if the
> user is considering to override, and/or may be confused about the effects of
> the choice.
> #1 I don't feel strongly about as I indicated earlier in the thread, and #2
> I feel even less strongly about given that I am not even sure we (Chrome)
> would expose an option for such a small percentage of users.
> You mean you would let the background print if the author said to, but
> there would still be an unchecked box in the UI indicating that the
> backgrounds won't be printed? That doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

No, I'm saying we may not expose any option at all, and just always use the
"No backgrounds unless author explicitly states a background" method.

> I would note though that your solution doesn't give a good way for users to
> persistently express "I don't want to print backgrounds, period," which is
> likely the only group that would actually care.
> Hmm. Well I supposed it would be whatever the user chose when printing from
> a page where the author didn't indicate anything special. But I can see how
> that could make the print logic a bit too un-obvious.
> It might be better to have some sort of tri-state "Default [none unless
> author specified], Always, Never," especially given that such options tend
> to be persisted across print jobs.
> Maybe. That might be a little confusing too (the opaqueness of meaning for
> "default" to the casual user).
Indeed, which is why I just want to "do the right thing" without requiring
user intervention :)

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2011 18:32:56 UTC