Re: [CSS3-UI] text-overflow:ellipsis (freshly rewritten/expanded and incorporated into editor's draft)

>> 1. Hiding a timeline label entirely when the video control shrinks
>> small enough to make it start overflowing.  It looks like this could
>> have been achieved with "text-overflow: ellipsis-word '';", and
>> wrapping the label in a <span style="display:inline-block;"></span> if
>> it was multi-word (which it may be once internationalized).
> This sounds complex enough that I don't understand it sufficiently to document.
> Could you provide more details e.g.  diagrams showing the desired
> affect (or say a URL to a real world public example that implements
> the desired functionality in javascript) ?

Open in Safari on 10.5+, and start sizing the window down in width.
Watch the current time / time remaining display (on either side of the
timeline). As the width of the video element reaches a certain
minimum, they disappear to let the timeline stay reasonably-sized for
a bit longer.

Today, it's implemented like this:,
which is called repeatedly to detect the overflow boundary. Seems like
something a rendering engine should be able to handle all by itself.


Received on Friday, 18 February 2011 21:21:20 UTC