[css3-regions] 'flow-into' minor issues

4.1 The 'flow-into' property

   # <ident>
   #   The element is placed into the flow with the name ‘<ident>’. [...]

You need to specify also that it is taken out of the parent's flow, so I

   | <ident>
   |  The element is taken out of its parent's flow and placed into the
   |  specified named flow.

This will clarify the behavior of the scenarios you talk about later,
e.g. an element with 'flow-into' inside an element with 'flow-into'.

   # If the ‘content’ property is defined on a region, it has no effect on
   # the region's visual formatting.

This is no longer true, so the sentence should be removed.


Received on Monday, 26 December 2011 23:50:25 UTC