Re: [css3-text] Splitting CSS Text into Level 3 and Level 4

2011/12/13 Håkon Wium Lie <>:
> Koji Ishii wrote:
>  > I see defining some i18n values first and then try to look for
>  > general @rule in future is a good incremental approach. But if the
>  > WG sees it differently and resolves not to include values that are
>  > only used in some scripts, it's very unfortunate for me, but
>  > deferring full-size-kana looks better way than defining
>  > @text-transform without taking enough time to think about it.
> I'd rather not define script-specific values without a generic
> mechanism -- it will lead to difficult discussions about which scripts
> should be prioritized and why. But I think it's possible to define
> @text-transform within a reasonable time -- this could be a win-win
> scenario.

Although your desire for a universal solution is very sensible, I
do not think that such a solution can be invented without creating
and using ad-hoc solutions first.  After all, Unicode could not
happen without having experiences with legacy encodings.

I am also worried about universal-but-hard-to-use solutions.
For example, some subset of sed or perl would be a very
universal solution.  But isn't such a subset overkill?  Hard
to use and hard to implement?




Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 12:55:05 UTC