Re: [css3-regions] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

From: Håkon Wium Lie <<>>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 16:09:27 -0800
To: Rossen Atanassov <<>>
Cc: HÃkon Wium Lie <<>>, Adobe Systems <<>>, W3C style mailing list <<>>
Subject: RE: [css3-regions] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

Also sprach Rossen Atanassov:

> > I don't see any code that says, e.g. that regions one should span two columns or
> > be this wide or this hight, or that region 4 should be higher than region 2.
> >
> > I simply don't see the code that will generate the layout in Figure 1 an Figure 2.
> > What am I missing?

> When you read the full reply you'll see that the intent of regions
> is to have basic building blocks that can be used to redirect
> content into and having this content fragmented into any other
> (optional) subsequent regions.

I read that part, yes. I still think we should have code examples in
the spec which explain how to achieve the layouts presented.

> Thus, what the layout of the regions themselves is actually depends
> on where they're used - eg. Grid, page template, perhaps
> multicolumn etc. I do see where you confusions stems from though
> and I think it is a good request that we add the proper styling for
> the region elements. Vincent, perhaps we need to open an issue
> here?

That would be good. Pasting the code example in a message to this list
would also be helpful.

Ah ok, I understand now. You wanted the code for the regions positioning. The code for the flow and region styling is there, but not the code for placing the regions in the viewport.

The reason we abstained from putting that in the spec. is that initially (in a much earlier draft), we had a whole section dedicated to how regions integrated with different layouts. We then decided it was not necessary to have that section and kept the layout of the regions agnostic (by omitting that part of the CSS code).

We'll add an example and pick one particular layout solution (I would chose grid layout).


Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 01:05:18 UTC