RE: [css3-regions] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

Also sprach Rossen Atanassov:

 > > I don't see any code that says, e.g. that regions one should span two columns or
 > > be this wide or this hight, or that region 4 should be higher than region 2.
 > > 
 > > I simply don't see the code that will generate the layout in Figure 1 an Figure 2.
 > > What am I missing?

 > When you read the full reply you'll see that the intent of regions
 > is to have basic building blocks that can be used to redirect
 > content into and having this content fragmented into any other
 > (optional) subsequent regions.

I read that part, yes. I still think we should have code examples in
the spec which explain how to achieve the layouts presented.

 > Thus, what the layout of the regions themselves is actually depends
 > on where they're used - eg. Grid, page template, perhaps
 > multicolumn etc. I do see where you confusions stems from though
 > and I think it is a good request that we add the proper styling for
 > the region elements. Vincent, perhaps we need to open an issue
 > here?

That would be good. Pasting the code example in a message to this list
would also be helpful.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 00:10:14 UTC