Re: background-print

2011-08-12 20:29 EEST: Tab Atkins Jr.:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Linss, Peter <>
> wrote:
>> On Aug 12, 2011, at 1:11 AM, Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
>>> {snip} In the end, it might make sense to use following
>>> property:
>>> color-management: auto | economy | absolute | relative |
>>> perceptual | saturation;
>>> This is because color management is not special only to printing
>>> (for example, the "economy" value would make sense even for
>>> screen usage in case of mobile AMOLED displays where using darker
>>> colors will conserve battery).
>> I think this is an important point and is in line with what I've
>> been thinking. I don't like that the proposed property is specific
>> to print, I think it should be a generic property that applies to
>> all media types, the UAs can (and the spec should recommend) set
>> different media specific values in their UA stylesheet for the root
>> element (that authors can easily override).
>> I'm not sure 'color-management' is the best name for this property
>> as it has other connotations…
> Let's continue brainstorming on names, then.  The functionality is 
> actually valuable, I think.
> I also disagree that this should be part of the color-management 
> property.  The other values are independent of this decision.

Could you elaborate about why this should not be part of the
"color-management"? Personally, I think that color management is about
using color transformations to obtain some specific gain. For print use,
this is accurate rendering of some aspect of original image: perceptual
rendering is used when one tries to get print output to look similar to
original work as a whole, relative colorimetric is used if local color
accuracy is more important than the generic look of the work (at the
possible expense of printer's out-of-gamut colors looking bad) and
absolute colorimetric is used for proofing output of one device using
another device to produce the proof output (at the expense of white
balance looking off and reducing usable color gamut).

Reducing ink use for printing is not orthogonal to color-management as
usual; for example, it really does not make sense to request perceptual
rendering over relative colorimetric if you were requesting totally
false colors via *some another property* in the same time (if it were an
orthogonal property). Can you provide any gain from using orthogonal
property from color-management? (I'm not trying to say that the property
must be "color-management", I'm just arguing that if there's a property
to say anything about color quality, this setting should be part of it.)


Received on Monday, 15 August 2011 09:15:48 UTC