Re: [css3-flexbox] multiline

>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Tab Atkins Jr.
>Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:04 AM
>To: Andrew Fedoniouk
>Cc: Andrew Fedoniouk ; Alex Mogilevsky ; www-style list
>Subject: Re: [css3-flexbox] multiline
>On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk
><> wrote:
>> Gentlemen, do you considering case like this:
>> <p>Some text <input style="size:*"> and more.</p >
>> Where the "size:*" is width/height:1fr | 1fl | etc.
>> In this case the <input> is expanded inside the line box and so
>> it will take all available width that is left inside line box after text
>> replacement and its height will be set to fill line box height in full.
>Yes, though it involves making the <p> a flexbox.  The <input> is then
>a flexbox item, and the texts preceding and following it are wrapped
>in anonymous flexbox items (which don't have any flexibility), so the
><input> expands to take up any available space in the <p>.
>This doesn't interact with inline layout, though, as you seem to be 

Flex computation inside line boxes happens exactly at the time
of text-align:justify computation as it is conceptually the same thing.

I am using the following [pseudocode]:

function text_block::layout_width()
  foreach(line)  {
    if( line.has_horizontal_flexes )
       free_space  = compute_flexes_in(line, free_space );
    if( free_space > 0 && text_align == justify )
       compute_flex_whitespaces_in(line, free_space);

Technically this is close to the case when <input> has width defined
in percents.  I do not see why you need to wrap anything here into
anonymous flexbox items. (Or I do not understand your idea)

Vertical flexes inside line box are computed at the moment of vertical
alignment computation of elements inside line box.

>> This multiline idea you are discussing... is it conceptually different
>> from the above? If no then probably it is better to just allow flex units
>> inside line boxes, no?
>No, it's not quite the same thing.  Flexbox layout is a new layout
>mode that does not directly interact with inline layout.

I honestly do not understand what is so special about flexes here.

See: we have line box and so we can flex elements inside it.
Even when there are floats around - you start flex computations
on already calculated line box (with left/right floats shrank its width).

So this:

  <p text-align:justify>one two three</p>

is exactly the same as this:

  <p >one<span width:*> </span>two<span width:*> </span>three</p>


Quod erat demonstrandum.

>> What you are going to used for 'row breaks'?
>Not entirely sure yet.  I, in an earlier personal draft, proposed
>using the break-before/after properties.

'personal draft' of someone from IE team? As far as I understand
multi-rows are proposed and implemented already in IE10.
But without row breaks. So asking.

I suggest to use 'clear' for that.  'clear' breaks float rows and
so it can be used for exactly the same purposes in flexboxes
(that cannot contain floats directly anyway).

Andrew Fedoniouk 

Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 05:46:47 UTC