Re: [css3-flexbox] multiline

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk
<> wrote:
> Gentlemen, do you considering case like this:
> <p>Some text <input style="size:*"> and more.</p >
> Where the "size:*" is width/height:1fr | 1fl | etc.
> In this case the <input> is expanded inside the line box and so
> it will take all available width that is left inside line box after text
> replacement and its height will be set to fill line box height in full.

Yes, though it involves making the <p> a flexbox.  The <input> is then
a flexbox item, and the texts preceding and following it are wrapped
in anonymous flexbox items (which don't have any flexibility), so the
<input> expands to take up any available space in the <p>.

This doesn't interact with inline layout, though, as you seem to be implying.

> This multiline idea you are discussing... is it conceptually different
> from the above? If no then probably it is better to just allow flex units
> inside line boxes, no?

No, it's not quite the same thing.  Flexbox layout is a new layout
mode that does not directly interact with inline layout.

> What you are going to used for 'row breaks'?

Not entirely sure yet.  I, in an earlier personal draft, proposed
using the break-before/after properties.


Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 17:05:29 UTC