Re: first IE10 preview available, with multicol, flexbox, grid and gradients

On Apr 14, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:

> [Brad Kemper:]
>> The use case for list-style-image is not compelling in and of itself, 
> You can make some pretty cool bullets with radial gradients.

Sure, OK. 

> In any case I don't see why this use-case is any less compelling than allowing for any custom image.

I just meant that it shines the most when used as background image, and is less useful as a bullet. But that's just my opinion, and what Brian seemed to be expressing, that I was responding to. I didn't mean it shouldn't be allowed there or anything. 

> Gradients are images, right ?


Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 02:04:45 UTC