- From: Philippe Wittenbergh <ph.wittenbergh@l-c-n.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 17:04:59 +0900
- To: Brian Manthos <brianman@microsoft.com>
- Cc: Alex Mogilevsky <alexmog@microsoft.com>, www-style list <www-style@w3.org>
On Apr 14, 2011, at 12:06 PM, Brian Manthos wrote: > I believe the spec directly or indirectly indicates they should work in the following locations: > 1. background-image and background (with or without layers) > 2. list-style-image and list-style > 3. border-image > 4. generated content That is what I would expect based on current specs, yes. Currently, most rendering engines except WebKit only support the first one afaict. > Supported in first IE10 preview: usage 1. > Not supported in first IE10 preview but stay tuned: usages 2, 3, and 4. > IE doesn't support border-image generally, so gradient support is moot for them unless that changes. Is that something that is eventually planned ? > For list-style-image (aka "bullets"), linear looks a bit out of place unless you like rectangles or rotated "pointy dashes". Radial has some value, but you have to be careful with your color stops, and use "contain" with a final transparent stop at <= 100%; unless of course, again, you really like rectangles. Oh, I don't know, I can see use cases for 'linear', perhaps not for a traditional list, but a list that is displayed horizontally (navigation menus, 'tabs', and the like). I have some playground file here (really basic things): http://dev.l-c-n.com/CSS3_border-background/gradient-list-style.html There are quite a bit of limitations on the usage right now (no real control over the size / position of the bullet, unless one goes 'creative' - crazy ? - with font-size). But as Brad notes, the ::marker pseudo-element would offer more possibilities. Philippe -- Philippe Wittenbergh http://l-c-n.com/
Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 08:05:24 UTC