Re: [css3-animations] "Applies To" lines are wrong

On 13/04/2011 1:44 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:29 PM, L. David Baron<>  wrote:
>> All of the property definitions in css3-animations should have the
>> same change applied to them as was applied to css3-transitions to
>> fix :
>> they should apply to "all elements, :before and :after pseudo
>> elements".
> (Slight tangent.)

Not quite Tab.

> Hrm.  Does that mean that basically *all* properties should have that
> in their "Applies To" line?


> This seems less than ideal - it means
> that introducing new general-purpose pseudo-elements that can accept
> all properties (like ::marker) requires updating every property
> definition in every spec.

Depends on what you allow ::marker to do (see below).

> Could we handle this some other way such that just saying "All
> elements" works?  We could either define ::before and ::after to count
> as "All elements" in that context, or just define for each
> pseudo-element what properties apply to them (including a phrase like
> "any property that applies to all elements", or something similarly
> broad).
> ~TJ

No, the specs needs to state that animations apply to ::before and 
::after and the specs needs to state the expected behavior. I believe 
that both Safari and Chromes shows the expected behavior in this demo.

The expected behavior that I talking about is that the generated content 
(::after in the demo) must have it's perspective (vanishing point) 
anchored to the real element which is the frame (framework in demo) that 
rotates along the x axis.

I'm curious, is this the sort of behavior that you expect with ::marker?


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 15:05:16 UTC