Re: [cssom] Element size/positioning information

On 12/04/2011 2:07 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:
> On 4/11/11, "Gérard Talbot"<>  wrote:

>> There are at least 4 errors in the diagrams of this MSDN webpage:
>> 1- top and left offset properties are shown to be located between margin
>> area and padding area: this is clearly wrong.
> There isn't any margin area; AFAICT margin could be 0.
> "The sample page contains a div element that is relatively positioned
> on the page."
> Whether or not offsetTop includes the border width (clientTop) depends
> on the version and mode of IE. Yeah, so you can feature test that,
> There are other quirks with offsetTop that vary from browser to
> browser and depend on the element (table related elements and BODY
> tend to be problems).

The version of IE you are referring to is IE7- and it depended on if an 
element had hasLayout=true or hasLayout=false. Surely you remember the 
discussion we had here [1]. Opera had problems since Anne didn't know at 
first about that magical thing called hasLayout when he was working on 
the spec for CSSOM. Since we can not un-standardized things, we have to 
live with this legacy.



Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 04:49:42 UTC