Re: EPUB requirements

> Each of the links below appear to show the requirements for a  
> particular
> EPUB subgroup.  Page-level layout, multi-column and hyphenation are
> listed under in the "Styling and Layout" requirements.  Vertical
> writing, ruby support, Unicode 6 (?!?), SVG fonts, IVS support are all
> listed on the EGLS pages.


There's a line in the middle of this page that says "The rest of this  
page is for historical reasons only."

The revised requirement for Unicode 6 says
Versions of Unicode or ISO/IEC 10646
Requirement EGLS_CG1: It should be possible for content providers to  
use code values in Unicode 6.0.Rationale: Emoji characters and  
variation selectors of Unicode 6.0 are needed. Unicode 6.0 is expected  
to be completed before the final publication of EPUB 3.0.
Note: EGLS_CG1 does not mean that EPUB implementations should satisfy  
all requirements present in Unicode 6.0.

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 01:56:46 UTC