EPUB requirements

Ishii-san, Murakami-san,

I poked around on the EPUB wiki a little more today and I'm somewhat
stunned at the scope of the requirements in relation to the proposed
timeline.  Do you know if the schedule is being revised or if effort is
underway to radically reduce the scope so that something tangible can be
achieved in the timeframe given?

Detailed Timeline

The timeline lists August 27th as "Deadline for WG: final set of
requirements; no more additions accepted."  Did this occur?  Is there
now a firm set of requirements listed somewhere?

Each of the links below appear to show the requirements for a particular
EPUB subgroup.  Page-level layout, multi-column and hyphenation are
listed under in the "Styling and Layout" requirements.  Vertical
writing, ruby support, Unicode 6 (?!?), SVG fonts, IVS support are all
listed on the EGLS pages.

Styling and Layout

EGLS - Global Language Support

Text Content


Rich Media

John Daggett

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 01:09:54 UTC