Re: Linear gradients, Transforms and angles...

On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Daniel Glazman wrote:

> Le 23/09/10 01:36, David Singer a écrit :
>> I think users want rotations (transforms) and gradients to be consistent -- that two, at 45º, go the same way.  They want to learn one, well-defined, coordinate space, not have to remember that there are two somewhat intuitive, but different, conventions at work depending on what they are working with.
> And that's the whole point of my original message: it's not
> the case today.

Oh, oh. Wait, which side are you arguing. It's true that it's not consistent today. Gradients go counter-clockwise, everything else goes clockwise. So the correct solution is to make gradients go clockwise, right?


Received on Sunday, 26 September 2010 14:43:12 UTC