Re: [CSS 2.1] [Section 10.3.x] Testcases where percentage intrinsic width cannot be resolved

On 9/24/10 2:43 AM, "Gérard Talbot" wrote:
> Right now, Chrome 6.0.472.62 render this testcase differently from Firefox
> 3.6.10 and from Opera 10.62. I do not see anything in the spec which can
> decisively state which rendering is correct. I even think that such
> testcase should be removed as it could be rendered both ways (depending on
> algorithm chosen). Am I wrong?

I believe the spec explicitly states that the rendering of this testcase 
is undefined....  (section 10.2 last paragraph under <percentage>, plus 
the complete lack of any useful definition of shrink-to-fit sizing). 
It's an interop problem that the renderings differ, of course.


Same thing.

> Spec quotes:

The HTML4 spec is irrelevant here.  Note that the percentage here is NOT 
a percentage intrinsic width.  It's just a percentage specified width. 
And section 10.2 says that even the computed value of width (forget the 
used value) is undefined in this case...


Received on Friday, 24 September 2010 16:02:00 UTC