Re: [css3-transitions] In transition-property: all, <property>, is <property> a duplicate ?

On Wednesday 2010-10-27 13:17 -0700, Chris Marrin wrote:
> I agree. Seems like the better syntax would be:
> 	[ none | all | IDENT ] [ none | all | IDENT ]*
> Does that look right?

If you add a comma, yes.

> If so, then the rule would be that a 'none' in the list would turn
> off transitions on all properties. The corresponding duration
> would be ignored. An 'all' would turn transitions on for all
> properties and would set their duration to the corresponding one.
> Specific property names later in the list would override these.
> That seems like the most logical rule to me.

Are you're saying you'd want an occurrence of 'none' to override
values earlier/later in the list, or just that 'none' would trigger
transitions on no properties (and thus cause an item in the
duration/timing-function/delay lists to be skipped)?


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 20:22:22 UTC