Re: [css3-multicol] accessibility and UX

Thanks. I am happy someone had read my points.

The CR is not production-ready for paged media either, but the fix is


> As it is, multicol is only production-usable in Paged Media, where the
> problems brought up by Daniel and Shelby don't exist.

Section 8.2 has to be corrected first before it is even production ready
for paged media only:

"...paged media may also contain instances of block direction constraints
which are not due to a page border and such cases should be treated the
same as 8.2 currently ERRONEOUSLY says IS ONLY FOR continuous media..."

"...the current 8.2 is ambiguous and does not specify what the column row
height is when columns are moved to the next page..."

Received on Wednesday, 20 October 2010 18:10:54 UTC